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boot messages interrupt the boot code security password input


This is a minor issue but I thought I would report it. When the security boot code is used the root password entry dialog is interrupted by messages like "sda cache write through enabled ( not the exact message)" which makes the password entry a little confusing.

Are these from the kernel messages when you use the bootcodes i.e. from http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=431.0 ?  If so, just turn them off again.

No I had all those messages turned off via "quiet".

quiet is an alias for loglevel=4, debug is for loglevel=10. Try loglevel=3 and lower until you don't see those messages anymore. Try not to jump straight to 1, because you still want to see the critical messages like your cpu exploded ;)

Could you post the exact message? If I can find it in the source, I'll be able to tune it's loglevel up so it won't show up on "quiet" anymore (after the next kernel update)

Ok, here's a brute force screen shot and my isolinux.cfg.

--- Quote ---display boot.msg
default tinycore
label tinycore
   kernel /boot/bzImage
   append initrd=/boot/tinycore.gz quiet nofstab norestore user secure

implicit 0   
prompt 1   
timeout 1
F1 boot.msg
F2 f2
F3 f3

--- End quote ---


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