Tiny Core Extensions > TCE 1.x


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I suggest you report it as a bug to samba - cups used to have this bug, but they solved it in later releases  ;)

In the meantime, I'll try and remember to modify the info file.

Edit: info files modified

ping Juanito

If you have time, could you take a look at repackaging this?  The latest version in the 3.2 tree is 3.2.14 and the latest stable is 3.4.0  Im not sure if there is a big impact upgrading all the way to 3.4, but if so, 3.2 is still being maintained and has worked great for me so far.

The only file(s) that are keeping this extension from being 100% PPI compatible are the config file and privilege separation stuff. It would be awesome if those could get shuffled to /usr/local/etc/ during the configuring.

Also, (last thing) if the "feature" of not creating the necessary directories has not been fixed, perhaps making a post-install script to check for and create those if missing.

If you dont have the time, let me know and I'll give it a shot.

I'm on vacation at the moment, but I should have time in a couple of weeks to look at this for tinycore-2.x - would that be OK?

Absolutely that would be ok.  I didnt pay attention to the fact that this was in the 1.x thread, but personally I will be using it in 2.x.  I would also be interested in seeing the large dependency of cups and perl5 not be required, maybe splitting libcups out of the cups extension would be enough for samba to compile and run with cups support while not having cups as a required dependency.

Enjoy your vacation.    :D


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