General TC > Tiny Core Netbooks

wifi on eeepc 4g

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I have installed wicd but can't get it to run!  I have the green and black wifi icon. I typed sudo wicd-start in Aterm I got no error.  Thanks for any help. System stats shows wicd is indeed installed. Also, the ath5k appears to be installed when I check modules. 

This to install daemon. You have to run 'wicd-client' if using LXDE or Xfce4, otherwise 'wicd-client --no-tray' as nor mal user.

But wait with wicd till pygtk.tczl is updated, current version is broken.

Thanks.  I will wait.

I installed the latest version of tinycore and wicd for wifi.   My network was found and connected to easily.  But, tinycore is NOT connected to the internet!  I used the Wiki instructions.  I cannot get any web sites.

Any help will be appreciated.

 By the way, this is a better tinycore.  Lots of improvements  since I last looked at it.


--- Quote from: sam0010 on July 09, 2010, 05:54:31 PM ---My network was found and connected to easily.  But, tinycore is NOT connected to the internet!  I used the Wiki instructions.  I cannot get any web sites.

--- End quote ---
- can you ping something on the Internet? (i.e. `ping` and `ping`), or is access restricted to your local network?
- check nameservers? (i.e. /etc/resolv.conf)
- which instructions did you follow


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