Tiny Core Base > TCB Talk

the server side


Yesterday, I started to wonder how the hell it was possible for appbrowser to perform search on the content of the extension files. Seemed like black magic when you think about it. So, I got really (too?) curious, and went to check the appbrowser source file, which directed me to /usr/bin/search.sh, where finally led me to the solution ;) :

* http://www.tinycorelinux.com/cgi-bin/tce.cgi
* http://www.tinycorelinux.com/cgi-bin/tcz.cgi

Ho ho, so there's been some kind of implementation work on the server side.
(by the way, congratulation to the "web guys" in TC team for all the great work on tinycorelinux.com)
Also got me thinking whether there would be some other kind of similar features that would benefit from one little "boost" from the server side. ?

There are  two server sides, tinycorelinux.com, which hosts our forums and wiki  and all the download files and extensions on ibiblio.org.

Ha true! How does the cgi on tinycorelinux.com then knows about the content of the extensions hosted on ibiblio. Well, I imagine you then keep some kind of index of the extension descriptions also on tinycorelinux.com.


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