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Softmaker Office available for free - for both Lin and Win

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On disk, when installed, it takes this much space. When installed on usb stick it takes 50M. When installed as portable on usb, it consolidates common code of all three and copies only the necessary part.
I think it does read OO files, at least it says so.  I did not try this myself though... I did test thoroughly MS Office format though and it retains format extremely well.
In general I think I would not be far off if I say it blows the socks off OO... It appears to be tremendously faster than OO, no bloat, etc...
Gnumeric was also much better spreadsheet (INMO) than OO, except OO 'Pivot tables' equivalent. Unfortunately Gnumeric was (or became) a virtually one person project...
Good things come in small packages, not bloat.


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