Thanks for the quick reply...
I'll start off by addressing the last part of your reply:
PPI is a hybrid scatter mode installation and should be used carefully. I do not recommend PPI except for systems not capable of supporting mount type installations.
My first foray into the unique linux experience that is Tiny/Mico Core Linux (pre-version 2.x) involved a poor man's install.
The installation instructions at the time, I seem to remember, discouraged installing to the hard drive.
Incompatibility between my intended use of Tiny Linux and Tiny Linux' capabilities, combined with an incomplete understanding of the core concepts resulted in a sytem that did only some of what I wanted. If I remember correctly, PPI was also at the root of some problems I experienced then too.
Long story short, this time around, although I do not plan on installing to the hard drive I am still interested in the potential benefits of the fourth mode of operation (Local/Install (PPI)).
However, if after some modest trouble shooting I cannot get this to work satisfactorily, I will follow roberts' advice and stick to TCE/Mount (PPR) mode.
It might help to clarify my goals for Tiny/Mico Core Linux:
- turn a Pentium 166MHz laptop with 48MBs of RAM into a command line intranet LAMP server
LFS is not a viable option. I don't really have the time to compile that amount of software on an ancient but still serviceable machine.
Now to reply to roberts' questions/comments...
You mean after a reboot?
Apparently you mounted the extensions.
With v2.6.1 you should have used tce-load -w -i -r .....
Short of fragmented forum posts and release notes, AFAIK, there is no material - or none publicly available - documenting tce-load switches.
I wasn't yet aware of appbrowser-cli and would rather not rely on ncurses for anything but htop and nano.
After first installing htop and nano with
tce-load -w -i, rebooting and getting the error messages documented in the initial post, I caved in and installed appbrowser-cli, again using
tce-load -w -i. I hadn't yet posted to the forum and was not aware of the difference between
tce-load -w -i -r and
tce-load -w -i.
I used appbrowser-cli to install nano and I rebooted to test the results.
Now nano works but launching appbrowser-cli and htop still generates the same error messsages, of course.
I snooped around the filesystem and found the following, some of which is related to my problems I'm sure, and may (or may not) help with trouble shooting:
- when I go to
/usr/local/tce.installed, I see appbrowser-cli and htop and a symbolic link to
/tmp/tcloop/nano/user/local/tce.installed/nano for nano.
- when I cd to the partition (sda8) I am using for home, restore, and local and go to
tclocal/share/, I only see nano
...they need to be copied into the filesystem (/usr/local/...). Since /usr/local is persisted your install status from the mount is still there.
I am thoroughly confused at this point. What needs to be copied where? Do I need to re-run a variant of
tce-load? If so, do I use the
-r switch?
The appbrowser-cli UI indicates that it only
mounts extensions. If this is correct, why is nano working and not the other extensions?
Thank you in advance...