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tiny core linux vs chrome OS
I think Google is targeting it for net books. There is makes more sense. Still why they chose to strip Ubuntu instead of starting small or even from scratch. Still it is a very early pre-alpha, so things I am sure will improve.
But I like you have very fews apps on my net books. Every net book distro that I have seen TC beats it. When TC boots up it is ready to go, with Xandros and Ubuntu you wait for the desktop, then wait again for the wireless to make a connection, no so with TC. Of course TC is not trunkey, but still with a little effort you can get great results. On the otherhand, Xandros and Ubuntu remix are supposed to be tuned for netbooks. TC is not netboot tuned or centric.
--- Quote from: roberts on December 08, 2009, 06:22:32 PM ---I think Google is targeting it for net books. There is makes more sense. Still why they chose to strip Ubuntu instead of starting small or even from scratch. Still it is a very early pre-alpha, so things I am sure will improve.
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I think Google's project cycle for Chromeos started and continued before they had any awareness of TinyCore. IMHO TinyCore is superior for such project - it is fast, small and modular architecture. I suggest there should be an awareness effort so Google understands choice they have, that TinyCore arose quickly to a solid and mature system to suit such project the best of all alternatives.
On the assumption that Google targets Chromeos for netbooks: I do not think so. Google has much bigger picture in mind, and not just for netbooks but for all... Cloud computing or call it Virtual PC, which would be provided by Google infrastructure in the back end is core here, regardless what client system. Such infrastructure already started as Google Docs and is quietly evolving to encompass any files. Currently a few others provide Virtual Computer on the web such as and iCloud, where some key functionality is implemented in, where you get 25GB space and basic applications, but still way to go in terms of asynchronous processing in the backend. Google wants to do it the right way and create a viable Virtual Computer infrastructure, where Chromeos would be free client OS available for this. Perhaps we will se a significant shift to cloud VC and Microsoft should take this very seriously...
If Google becomes aware of it, TinyCore may play a big role, the question is how to make Google notice...
This is worth to read:
--- Quote ---I think Google is targeting it for net books. There is makes more sense. Still why they chose to strip Ubuntu instead of starting small or even from scratch. Still it is a very early pre-alpha, so things I am sure will improve.
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Tinycore and Chrome OS both address the situation where the user wants high performance (user not waiting for computer very much) and where infinite processing power, infinite RAM, infinite software/hardware budget are not possible. ("the cloud" might seem to have infinite computing resources, but its advantage is really that computing resources are shared effectively, NOT that the resources available per-person are large.)
Netbooks are designed for the same user: the one who thinks that RAM is not infinite, software and hardware budget are not infinite.
--- Quote ---TC is not netboot tuned or centric.
--- End quote ---
Seems to me the main thing to do to "tune something for netbooks" is to get rid of software bloat and GUI bloat. (GUI's that don't fit on screen). Tinycore succeeds at that, so it's fast on netbooks and it's fast on bigger machines too.
--- Quote from: julianb on December 10, 2009, 12:07:48 PM ---
Seems to me the main thing to do to "tune something for netbooks" is to get rid of software bloat and GUI bloat. (GUI's that don't fit on screen).
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Not only it means also:
- easy wireless setup (WIFI/3G/...)
- efficient power management
- GUI optimized for smaller screen size and for mobile use
- etc.
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