General TC > Tiny Core Netbooks

eee pc with webcam : 701SD

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alanbcohen and sam0010:

the extension i compiled is for the eee pc's which have realtek8187 wireless cards. i am not aware of any eee pc's except the model with 7 inch screen and 8G solid state disk which use this card. (known as a eee pc 701sd)

the eee pc's you have may actually have atheros wireless cards.

if the wireless card you have is not the realtek8187, then it will probably work if you install these extensions:

wicd.tcz (only necessary if you want graphical interface)

there was a "bug" in wicd.tcz which required you to run the command,
--- Code: ---wicd-start
--- End code ---
, every time you start up your computer and use wicd. i think that issue has been solved but i'm not sure.


--- Quote from: julianb on December 26, 2009, 10:55:05 AM ---there was a "bug" in wicd.tcz which required you to run the command,
--- Code: ---wicd-start
--- End code ---
, every time you start up your computer and use wicd. i think that issue has been solved but i'm not sure.

--- End quote ---

To run wicd-start is not a consequence of a bug. This is a normal start-up script to start wicd daemon. You can add it to or DE intialization to start automatically. If you save your network settings as described in wicd info file, wicd can conenct to wireless network at startup without any manual work or interaction.

sam0010 and alanbcohen, did you get wireless to work on your eee-pc's?

bmarkus - thanks for all your work on tinycore. I found it confusing to have to run wicd-start myself, each time i wanted to use wicd, as i was also struggling with how to use "persistence" in tinycore.

i'm not sure how to add something to desktop-environment initialization script-- how do you do that? I was interested in making tinycore automatically open my web browser and putting it in doesn't work (although the browser opens if you run again after startup)


--- Quote from: julianb on December 29, 2009, 10:26:43 AM ---
i'm not sure how to add something to desktop-environment initialization script-- how do you do that? I was interested in making tinycore automatically open my web browser and putting it in doesn't work (although the browser opens if you run again after startup)

--- End quote ---

If you are using LXDE, edit /home/tc/.config/lxsession/LXDE/autostar file with a text editor. By deafault it looks like:

--- Quote ---@lxpanel --profile LXDE
@pcmanfm -d
--- End quote ---

These commands are executed when LXDE starts. My startup script with WICD:

--- Quote ---@sudo wicd-start
@lxpanel --profile LXDE
@pcmanfm -d

--- End quote ---

First will start WICD daemon, last will add WICD client to panel. To open it just double click on the panel icon at bottom right. And backup the two directories to remember network settings. If proper settings saved, it will autoconnect to network. Of course you can add other programs as well to the startup list.

With Xfce4 there is a tool to configure startup, see settings menu.

I have been using the tinycore default window manager but I was considering switching to LXDE. maybe there's no auto-start file in FLWM?


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