General TC > Tiny Core Netbooks

General notes on TC + HP Mini 1001

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I have not seen anyone else's notes for TC + HP Mini. Mine are posted at:

Includes setting up audio, network card, graphics, quirks, etc. In general, everything works.

Topics here on the forums:
Audio, clicking:
Odd ethernet card behavior at boot:

Today I found out suspend works well with suspend.tcz:

s2ram -f --vbe_save

I have been using Tiny Core on an HP Mini 1001 for about 6 months. Great pair, super fast with TC 2.6. Wins the functional award!

xorg.conf attached (log in to download). Very basic, supports hardware accel. Xorg and graphics-2.26.xx.x-tinycore extensions required.

Synaptics Touch Pad not working [yet!]

Strange network cable bug:

If I unplug my network cable while it's working ... everything locks up. In X, all input is lost (mouse/keyb) and the caps lock light blinks. Can't do anything but a full reset (hold power switch for 3+ sec).

Don't know why this is happening. I would think that the connection should just drop, not lock the whole system.

"ifconfig down" prevents this, but I'm researching. Advice/suggestions welcome.

I'll try to get a message dump by pulling the cable at a terminal prompt.

You might want to monitor the 'dmesg' output whilst you are "pulling your stunt". I'm not sure if there is a better way, but watch -n 1 "dmesg | tail -20" has helped me in this case. Another option is to check whether something appears in the syslog (e.g. via sudo syslogd ; tail -f /var/log/messages).

Nice bios there, HP :p


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