General TC > Tiny Core Netbooks

SOLVED: Standby/resume on Eee 900

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I have reinstalled suspend.tczl, but s2ram still doesn't work for me. What command do you invoke? Are you using an Eee 900?

When I try "s2ram -f -a 3", my machine goes into suspend, but it won't wake up with video and requires a hard reset.

I have a eeepc 1000he; and I use "sudo s2ram -f". The video card is intel 945GM. I don't see an -a option listed in the help text. Have you experimanted with the various --vbe options? I think they are meant for graphics.

s2disk looked promising but I didn't know how to make it boot from the hibernate file. It changed the swap partition. But rebooting tcl is fast so hibernate is of limited use here anyway...

Some more info: s2ram -f works for me but resumes video only if using Xorg. With Xvesa, I basically get the same as you. So it looks like you have to poke the video card or something.

While my standby script works on the Eee 900, it doesn't completely switch off the screen. It leaves one in a black terminal screen with a cursor blinking in the upper left-hand corner. In a dark room one can see that the back-light is still on. But dmesg shows that it does put a lot of processes on hold and it seems to shut off the wifi radio.

An equally effective (or ineffective) standby-fix for the Eee 900  is to just open a terminal and enter "xset s 6". That completely blanks the screen in 6 seconds but leaves all processes running and the wifi radio on. To restore the default xset setting, one goes to the same terminal, pushes the up-arrow once, and adds two zeros--getting "xset s 600" for normal delay beffore screen blanking.

My experiments with suspend.tce and suspend.tcz have not been successful. Both in xvesa and xorg the computer won't wake up. I've tried a variety of initiation commands, but not all of them. I suspect that with xorg and the vbe tool something could work since the suspend/resume feature works well in both Xandros and Pupeee, but I'm still trying to stick with a light-weight system and suspend isn't a big deal to me.

One interesting thing: "xset q" indicates "Server does not have the DPMS Extension." I believe that's the case in xorg as well as xvesa, so maybe that is the root of the problem.

Xorg does support DPMS.


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