Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Tips & Tricks
Setting Alsa volume on easy way
Jason W:
Yeah, alsa locks in one app for sound preventing other apps from accessing it. Sometimes that hangs after the first app is closed. Some of my machines' cards are not detected by OSS, and some apps have bad sound with OSS. Each has it's own merits and drawbacks.
Xianwen Chen:
--- Code: ---amixer set Master 80%
amixer set Master unmute
amixer set PCM 80%
amixer set PCM unmute
--- End code ---
Just FYI that, I have to set PCM as well to have sound.
What I Do
Run alsamixer unmute and raise the volume sliders to max on master and pcm channels then press esc then run sudo alsactl store, then simply add alsactl restore to bootlocal.sh file.
Job done! :D
I have an intel card with LXDE and just to show we are different down under I have to use
amixer set Speaker unmute
-----The volume was already ok as were most other settings......I have not yet set up my intel model=5stack.....but the weird thing is the first time I run
alsamixer I have no PCM selection.....but when I start testing a sound.....I get one.
Anyhow I prefer this way as it only requires non-root access to edit. YMMV
This works for me using Alsa and TinyCore 6 for sound and persistence:
- add alsa-config.tcz to /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/onboot.lst
- add the following to /opt/bootlocal.sh:
amixer set Master unmute &
amixer set PCM unmute &
amixer set Master 80% &
amixer set PCM 80% &
- on my system if PCM is muted sound does not work
- using Fluxbox, add to .fluxbox/keys to mute/unmute and control volume via keyboard:
Mod4 Up :Exec amixer sset Master,0 1+
Mod4 Down :Exec amixer sset Master,0 1-
Mod4 Left :Exec amixer sset Master,0 toggle
PS: XMMS is still a great music player :)
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