Tiny Core Extensions > TCE 2.x
Jason W:
Thanks to bmarkus for:
--- Code: ---Title: hicolor-icon-theme.tcz
Description: Default fallback theme
Version: 0.11
Author: Various
Original-site: http://icon-theme.freedesktop.org/releases/
Copying-policy: GPL v2
Size: 12k
Extension_by: bmarkus
Comments: Binaries only
Compiled for TC2.x
PPI compatible
Change-log: ----
Current: 2009/11/23 First version
--- End code ---
Should this have shared-mime-info and gnome-icon-theme as deps, not much happens otherwise?
mime-info yeah, but the choice of an icon theme should be the user's..
Arslan S.:
checked a few other distros hicolor-icon-theme does not have any dependencies
There is no need for any dependency.
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