Tiny Core Base > TCB Bugs
user boot option
The "user=" boot option does not work (tinycore 1.0).
In /etc/init.d/rcS, line 64 reads:
/bin/adduser -s /bin/sh -g staff -d "/home/$USER" "$USER"
It fails with the error message:
/bin/adduser: invalid option --d
I believe the option to create a user directory with busybox's adduser is "-h" instead of the familiar "-d" for useradd.
A snapshot is attached showing the result of booting with "tinycore user=foo pause"
Currently many places are referencing user tc and /home/tc. Multi-user support is currently not implemented.
But I am aware of this and currently working on it for TC 1.1 as well as improved persistency options.
EDIT: I have finished the first alpha cut of 1.1 and am currently testing.
Likely early next week for public release candidate of 1.1
Implemented in 1.1. While not the focus of TC it can be useful when combined with persistent home.
Thanks for the quick attention. It's a nice feature.
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