Tiny Core Extensions > TCE 2.x


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Testing WICD on a stock 2.11rc3 just works fine (for sure the same with 2.10):

Installing    ncurses-utils.tcz tput related error messages are gone:

However you do not need ncurses-utils.tcz when GTK GUI used. Also, missing pynotify can be safely omitted but you can add notify-python.tcz if you wish.

BTW, I'm planning to split WICD to a GTK and CLI version to optimize its size and dependencies for TC/MC.

^thehatsrule^, please keep pictures. They are so small :)

OK - had another go and got it working [I may have forgotten wicd-start  :-[ ]

The icon doesn't show (maybe for the reasons mentioned in another post) and wicd might benefit from an init.d script, but works otherwise  :)

init.d script for wicd and hal is on the todo list :)

Hi guys.
I know its an old post...
New to Linux and all...
I have an issue with wicd. When I open the GUI, it shows my wireless network, I can connect - all good.
What I cannot do is to make it connect automatically after restart =( When I connect, change some connection properties
(like static IP etc) it saves the settings to /usr/local/var/lib/wicd/configurations
But after a restart, the folder is empty =( Please help

Hi fokcuk
Try adding the following two lines to your   /opt/.filetool.lst   file

Add the following to   /opt/bootlocal.sh

The first step makes your settings persistent, the second step starts wicd upon boot up.


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