Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs
Cleanup of a couple .deps
1) the portmap.tce info says it needs tcp_wrappers.tcel, but there is no portmap.tce.dep to automate
2) cups.tcel.dep includes opera.tcel. a) opera is a .tce b) being a minefield user, I would rather not have opera on my system. Maybe the explanation that a browser is necessary for the setup interface is enough?
Thanks for the hard work everyone!
Jason W:
Thanks. I had not put a .dep file for portmap since it is almost always used with nfs-utils, which does have a .dep file that installs portmap and tcp_wrappers. I will add it for portmap though.
--- Quote from: Kingdomcome on January 08, 2009, 04:30:01 PM ---2) cups.tcel.dep includes opera.tcel. a) opera is a .tce b) being a minefield user, I would rather not have opera on my system. Maybe the explanation that a browser is necessary for the setup interface is enough?
--- End quote ---
opera dependency removed
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