Sorry for the balated response - some professional commitments ,you know !
And thanks for response from you all !
Actually, the young guys are thinking on sub-$500 project and collected lots of info from the following links: miniature humanoid robot runs RTLinux
--- And some realtime demos from some following designs just for knowledge ----
Meet Isamu, the humanoid robot (with RTLinux inside)
Linux-based killer robot at Battlebots? Not quite!
Robot standards and platforms
Updated review of robotics software platforms
Meet OAP -- an open robot reference design project
Free mobile robot design
Watch out, the Centibots are invading LinuxWorld
More details on Intel's XScale/Linux robotics platform
Linux drives spiffy mobile robot test-bed
'First-of-a-kind' Robot Developer Kit supports Linux and open APIs
Startup's "open" software platform for personal robotics runs Linux
Robot technology
Miniature Linux-based XScale SBC for mobile robotics
Linux enables first robot-to-robot email exchange
Linux in robotics
Linux-powered mobile robot communicates by email, webserver
Intel researchers combine mobile robots, wireless, silicon, Linux
Intel gives PCs eyes with open-source software
---- ---- ----
I am just trying to help them with different info sources available on net.
And since TCLs basic footprint is below 10MB and it mostly needs Linux w/o X, so I told them to give it a try - if possible. Lot of time with them - until Summer-11 to complete their project.
Any info on the subject is welcome !
Let us see !

~ Pats