Tiny Core Base > TCB Q&A Forum

How to make boot codes persistent?


Is there a way to make boot codes persistent or automatic entry like for the waitusb code? Also is there a way to control the timeout on the boot code entry?

How are you running TC?  Which bootloader are you talking about? (Which extension are you using?)

For now i'm booting from the iso cd image. In the future I'll be booting from a floppy and usb stick combination.

All these are configured in the bootloader's file. For a cd boot, you can edit isolinux.cfg both to add options and to change the timeout, before burning it to a cd. For the cd you're currently running, if it's not a rw, you can't change the options.

... that means you'll probably want to edit the .iso before writing it

Side note: thread moved (not related to extensions)


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