Oh, I see. Some network drivers get built into the kernel, some are loaded as modules. OK, I'm learning!
Yes, I'm having network issues.
When I boot TinyCoreLinux 1.0 using no options, the DHCP query hangs and the machine becomes frozen.
When I boot TinyCoreLinux 1.0 using the nodhcp option, lsmod reports:
Module Size Used by
ohci_hcd 19076 0
scsi_wait_scan 2176 0
parport_pc 28440 0
parport 29012 1 parport_pc
At this point, if I modprobe tulip, then say ifconfig eth0 up... the machine hangs. I suspect that I'm on the wrong track here.
DHCP is supported on my network and is working well; a couple of other Linux distros (DSL 4.4.10, Puppy 2.15) I use on the same machine have no trouble detecting the ethernet adapter and they can get an IP Address via DHCP and everything is good.
Both DSL and Puppy load the tulip module automatically on the machine I'm using, no problems.
So, after some head scratching and re-reading of your response, I did a little more digging...
Using DSL 4.4.10 on the same machine, lsmod -v returns:
00:0a.0 Ethernet controller: Digital Equipment Corporation DECchip 21140 [FasterNet] (rev 20)
Subsystem: Unknown device 0a00:2114
Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 96, IRQ 11
I/O ports at ec00 [size=128]
Memory at febff000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4K]
Expansion ROM at febe0000 [disabled] [size=64K]
Kernel modules: tulip
I notice that the de4x5 driver is NOT being reported as being in use by DSL. So now I'm wondering if maybe TinyCoreLinux is loading the de4x5 driver when it really shouldn't... and so maybe I need to blacklist that driver. I will pursue this approach and report my progress, if any.
Thanks for all the help!