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Networking: de4x5 module?

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--- Quote from: tobiaus on January 07, 2009, 02:16:24 PM ---i don't know exactly what you're trying to do

--- End quote ---

I'm trying to run TinyCoreLinux using Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 (host OS is WinXP).  I find this a very useful tool when investigating different Linux distros.  DSL, Puppy, Slax, Fedora, Debian and others all work well (especially in text-only mode) with Virtual PC 2007.

My overall goal is to find a small, text-only Linux distro for use on a network appliance I'm developing.  I currently use Puppy Linux v2.13, which works reasonably well for me, though the disk image is a bit big (a little over 200 MB).  I think TinyCoreLinux might be better - and smaller.

--- Quote from: tobiaus ---however, after you've modprobed, you should be able to use udhcpc -b -i eth0 -h box to connect, or run the cpanel gui and enable dhcp. if that doesn't connect you, do mention it.

--- End quote ---

Alas, I got the same result:  as soon as I issue the udhcpc command, the machine freezes up and the only way to recover is to press the (virtual) reset button.

I strongly suspect that the use of Virtual PC 2007 is NOT endorsed by the TinyCore project / development team, so I suppose I'll have to continue my investigation another way.  Maybe I need to try VMware.  I certainly appreciate the effort   the community has expended to help me.


--- Quote from: curaga on January 07, 2009, 03:35:25 PM ---Since the driver is compiled in, it's unfortunately not possible to blacklist or otherwise skip it. It will be separated in the next update.

--- End quote ---

That sounds wonderful, thank you very much.

--- Quote from: curaga ---Perhaps you could try forcing a specific mode on the driver? They must be given at boot time, for example add this to your boot arguments to force ethernet 10Mbps:

--- Quote ---de4x5.args='eth0:autosense=TP 10Mb'
--- End quote ---
Other options to try are fdx (full duplex) and 100Mb. If even forcing a specific mode hangs, the solutions left are kernel rebuild or another network card.

--- End quote ---

Unfortunately, despite trying several different options & combinations as you suggested, I have been unable to solve the 'frozen dhcp' issue so far.

Thanks very much for the help.  I'll update this thread when the next update is released, hopefully with positive results.  :)

Sorry, I meant the next kernel update, which is long away :p

Not going to wonder why the heck does VPC2007 emulate a buggy ISA network card (that's right, the pci versions just had bridge chips), I can recommend Qemu. TC has been tested to completely work in it. It's freely available at bellard.org/qemu/

Thanks for the suggestion - I got qemu working without too much trouble.   :)




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