Tiny Core Extensions > TCE 2.x
Jason W:
Thanks to perthie for:
--- Code: ---Title: epdfview-cups.tcz
Description: GTK2 PDF viewer with CUPS printing support
Version: 0.1.7
Author: Jordi Fita
Original-site: http://trac.emma-soft.com/epdfview
Copying-policy: GPLv2
Size: 68K
Extension_by: perthie
Comments: requires gtk2, poppler, shared-mime-info, CUPS
if you don't have CUPS, install libcups.tczl instead
Go to View > Show Index to see a document's index.
Go to Edit > Preferences to set the web browser for URIs.
To capture text from a PDF:
choose Edit > Select Text
drag mouse over text and release (don't use Ctrl-C)
open a text document
paste text in with a right-click
Or use the command: pdftotext filename.pdf
Change-log: -------------
Current: 2009/11/11 first version
--- End code ---
the recent update of the package epdfview.tcz (and not epdfview-cups.tcz) has a missing dependency libcups.tcz, without it will not start.
Jason W:
Added, thanks.
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