Raspberry Pi port, piCore-15.0 is available!
Title: leafpad-locales.tczDescription: Leafpad Text Editor locale data - Limited Edition.Version: 0.8.17Author: Tarot OsujiOriginal-site: http://tarot.freeshell.org/leafpad/Copying-policy: GPLSize: 45KExtension_by: Jason WComments: This extension requires gtk+-2.tcel and it's dependencies. ----------Change-log: ---------- 2009/01/03 First Version. 2009/03/17 Changed to version 0.8.16.Current: 2009/11/08 Updated to 0.8.17
Title: leafpad.tczDescription: Leafpad Text Editor - Limited Edition.Version: 0.8.17Author: Tarot OsujiOriginal-site: http://tarot.freeshell.org/leafpad/Copying-policy: GPLSize: 53KExtension_by: Jason WComments: This extension requires gtk+-2.tcel and it's dependencies. ----------Change-log: ---------- 2009/01/03 First Version. 2009/03/17 Changed to 0.8.16.Current: 2009/11/08 Updated to 0.8.17