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Mandriva Linux 2010 released

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A long time ago Mandrake (version 7) was the distribution which helped me to start with LINUX. Even as a professional software developer working on embedded systems and other operating systems, I was stucked with LINUX on PC at home and gave it up. Mandrake was the first which was working out of box, offered a user friendly configuration interface and a way to learn and use linux. Later I found Mandrake 8 was the best system that time I have seen and I really enjoyed LINUX.

Unfortunately there were financial issues, personal changes, aquisition, etc. and systems released under the new Mandriva name were buggy, ugly systems while others improved significantly.

Finally this new version seems to a pretty system, worth to try. It comes with

    * Kernel 2.6.31
    * Xserver 1.6.5
    * KDE 4.3.2
    * GNOME 2.28.1
    * Firefox 3.5.3
    * 3.1.1
    * VirtualBox 3.0.8

For more info read

I tried the mandriva-linux-one-2010.0-KDE4-europe2-cdrom-i586 on my Acer Aspire 5720Z notebook. Visually it is attractive and UI seems to be nice including Command Center and everything was working out of box.

First disappointment was lack of Midnight Commander on the CD. I tried to installed but was not found in the repository.

In the mean time I recognized that everything is running very slowly. Few minutes later the keyboard become hot and there was a typical smell of hot plastic material. The CPU cooler was stopped and the BIOS reduced the performance of the CPU, but of course without cooler it was not possible. When stopped Mandriva, screen was full with warning messages about hot CPU. It has never happened in the last two years, trying different LINUX systems and running Vista for bussiness applications.

Now the notebook is back to normal operation, cool and fast under Vista.

It is definitely a MANDRIVA issue. Be careful!

I too used to play with Mandrake some time in the past and it was nice OS. Nowadays it seems everyone is in the race of bloat and inefficiency. I do not even touch these distros anymore.
Most Linux distros went over to the dark side.
1. If it does not fit on standard CD - bloated with garbage.
2. Using KDE or Gnome - using inefficient DEs
3. The last good Windows is XP. It fits on standard CD as OS should and can run in 64M memory. Vista - full of bloat and memory - 1GB.
Even Zenwalk is betraying 'Efficient Linux' users - the latest releases are going over to Gnome and KDE...
Last hope - Tiny Core Linux, Slitaz.

OK, Mandriva One tried to kill my notebook.

I wanted to see Moblin and LXDE so I decided to install it on a desktop machine I'm using to test Tiny Core HD installation, running a test CentOS 5.4 and other OS's without any problem.

1) Mandrive One (Live CD) do not start X environment, stops half way in console.

2) Install DVD says "Fatal Error, reboot"

So it is the point where I gave up Mandriva. Most terrible LINUX distro I have seen in last two years!

or you could try arch linux.  if you like tinycore/microcore i think you might like arch linux.
try it out.


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