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Signatures on Tiny Core Linux Forum
So, this is my reasoning for starting this thread. I see signatures on forums that range from profound to just flat rolling on the floor laughing funny, but I rarely see anyone comment on them (I guess that's because it would be off topic). I think it is worth discussing how one came to use a signature, how others perceive it, and how others signatures have been applicable to or influenced your life.
I will get the ball rolling.
my own:
--- Quote ---"I've fallen and I can't reach my mouse!"
--- End quote ---
This is just a funny. It's a play on a TV ad "I've fallen and I can't get up!" which was played on by CBer's "I've fallen and I can't reach my mic!"
--- Quote ---Respect begets respect.
--- End quote ---
So befitting of Roberts' minimalist nature. Three words that speak infinity.
--- Quote ---The only barriers that can stop you are the ones you create yourself.
--- End quote ---
So true! Even compiling Apache for Tiny Core Linux, once I got over the idea it would be hard, it was almost too easy.
actually i had a poke at curaga's sig recently, even if there is much truth to it.
i prefer one of linus's laws (indeed it may have only been a joke that it was linus's law, because traditionally it's about debugging) that says that an option doesn't exist until there's a gui to turn it on and off. i believe the real truth exists somewhere between the two maxims, and there are more interesting disagreements about where it is than which of these is true.
New guy here. I saw Robert's interview on Distro Watch and decided to check out TCL. I often use Perlisisms for my sig. This is a favorite.
"To understand a program you must become both the machine and the program." -- Alan J. Perlis
--- Quote from: alan perlis ---To understand a program you must become both the machine and the program.
--- End quote ---
ah, context, how lovely.
ok, I've been using
--- Quote ---Those who never state an opinion will also never prevail in a discussion.
--- End quote ---
Relivent to my life.
I have decided to go back to a funny.
--- Quote ---I am half Native Swedish. Swedish are rumored to have thick skulls.
My skull is so thick it reaches to the center of my head!
--- End quote ---
Of course, many a truth has been said in jest.
--- Quote ---Quote from: alan perlis
To understand a program you must become both the machine and the program.
ah, context, how lovely.
--- End quote ---
I resemble that remark, but being machine and program restricts human social life LOL.
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