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GPL strangles progress?
Jason W:
The good thing is that TC obeys all licenses, including the GPL. Not only source tarballs but build scripts and patches are available on our server. Even though many extensions don't require that licensing wise, source and build instructions are always nice to have. And since we are modular, even if one extension was not in line with licensing requirements it would be a matter of one extension needing to comply or be removed, not the whole distro.
As long as a distro provides source, build instructions, and any patches used for their GPL packages all is well.
Great point, Jason. Another strength of modular design (Other than architecture).
I disagree with the first post. No need for a copyright lawyer, I can check in less than a minute if a library is GPL or not, and so whether it can be used in a closed source app or not. LGPL - yes, GPL - no. Not difficult at all.
--- Quote from: tclfan ---I have seen in some TCL posts cases where some free software could not be easily integrated as TCZ's since they are not GPL...
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IIRC this was about whether we can legally redistribute, not about if it is GPL.
--- Quote from: mikshaw on November 05, 2009, 08:38:40 AM ---
--- Quote ---GPL license requirement of Linux make it illegal for graphic card manufacturers, printer manufacturers, sound card manufacturers, and various other device manufacturers to develop and distribute closed source binary drivers
--- End quote ---
This is incorrect. Nvidia has been providing closed-source Linux drivers for several years.
--- End quote ---
Hm, actually I think this is unknown... it's been categorized as both afaik. This is related to the usual question "linking" questions. These will still probably remain a grey area, unless the matter is brought to some court. The same goes for redistribution.
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