Tiny Core Extensions > TCE 1.x
Jason W:
leafpad-0.8.16-le{.tce/.tcz} is available.
--- Code: ---Title: leafpad-0.8.16-le.tce
Description: Leafpad Text Editor - Limited Edition.
Version: 0.8.16-le
Author: Tarot Osuji
Original-site: http://tarot.freeshell.org/leafpad/
Copying-policy: GPL
Size: 116K
Extension_by: Jason W
Comments: This extension requires gtk+-2.tcel and it's
Change-log: ----------
Current: 2009/01/03 First Version.
--- End code ---
as leafpad is my favorite editor, i'm not going to protest if there are five different versions of it in tce. i use it in every distro i can, i've installed it from apt-get in one.
but unless it won't install on top of 8.15, i can't tell the difference. i am curious...
(title changed to leafpad by JW)
Jason W:
Don't worry, there was not going to be five versions, only two. I am in the process of upgrading leafpad and was going to throw in the "Limited Edition" that is twice the size of the original in addition to the regular version. I was expecting twice the features for twice the size but so far I don't see any more features. Knowing this I will simply delete the limited edition when I upload the standard 0.8.16 version. Leafpad is my favorite editor nowadays and it is a shame the "Limited Edition" did not pack more of a punch. This thread can be simply named "leafpad" since it is updated frequently.
oh i'm not at all worried, i was just clarifying that it was a point of curiousity and not a complaint.
as amusing as "limited edition" sounds in connection with free software, (limited to n copies! where n is a real number and integer...) i just wondered if it added a feature you knew of that i didn't. i see you can't find one either, and while it's horrific that they doubled the size without us even being able to figure out the reason, i hadn't even noticed :)
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