Tiny Core Base > TCB Q&A Forum

sh: file not found error for script in usb persistent opt directory

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The ash shell is part of busybox.  So unless you want to rebuild that without it, there's no need to bother.  If you want to do that though, it would require remastering.

Just  say no remastering. That is not what TC is about!

We are talking about a bash script.
Most bash scripts will run fine in ash.
Edit the first line to #!/bin/sh and try it.

If you need to load the bash extension then edit the she-bang line to reflect its location if needed or make a link from /bin/bash to its location. I have not checked, but if the bash extension does not load bash to /bin/bash then you can make a link.

I just checked and the bash.tce extension loads bash to /bin/bash
So add bash.tce to your collection and you should be good to go.

OK, I tried the sh instead of bash no luck there. I installed bash and that did fix the file not found error. However, now I'm getting the following error:
netstat: /proc/net/tcp6: no such file or directory. There's also similar errors for udp6 and raw6. Any ideas?

I think it wants ipv6 support; see firewall-2.6.26.tcem


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