Tiny Core Extensions > TCE 2.x
Jason W:
Thanks to bmarkus for:
--- Code: ---Title: mysql.tczl
Description: SQL database server and tools
Version: 5.1.40
Author: MySQL AB
Original-site: http://www.mysql.com
Copying-policy: GPL v2 for GPL (free) distributions
Size: 7.1M
Extension_by: bmarkus
Comments: Binaries only
Compiled for TC2.x
Server starts automatically when loaded
Databases stored in /usr/local/var/mysql
Config file /usr/local/etc/my.cnf
No initial root password set
PPI compatible
Change-log: ----
Current: 2009/10/27 First version
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---Title: mysql-doc.tcz
Description: SQL database server and tools
Version: 5.1.40
Author: MySQL AB
Original-site: http://www.mysql.com
Copying-policy: GPL v2 for GPL (free) distributions
Size: 3.2M
Extension_by: bmarkus
Comments: Doc files and sample configurations
Compiled for TC2.x
PPI compatible
Change-log: ----
Current: 2009/10/27 First version
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---Title: mysql-dev.tcz
Description: SQL database server and tools
Version: 5.1.40
Author: MySQL AB
Original-site: http://www.mysql.com
Copying-policy: GPL v2 for GPL (free) distributions
Size: 102k
Extension_by: bmarkus
Comments: Dev files
Compiled for TC2.x
PPI compatible
Change-log: ----
Current: 2009/10/27 First version
--- End code ---
Thank you very much!
I will find this most useful.
could you make it so that it doesn't start automatically when loaded? or is this a standard policy in tiny core?
--- Quote from: cosmin_ap on June 01, 2011, 02:27:12 PM ---could you make it so that it doesn't start automatically when loaded? or is this a standard policy in tiny core?
--- End quote ---
What is wrong with the actual operation?
actually, i like it as a default, if that were to be consistent across daemons in tinycore (which is not).
but what I like is irrelevant; it should be a user's decision when servers have to start on her machine, so a clean way to change this default behavior is what I'm after.
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