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Author Topic: lyx  (Read 1821 times)

Offline Jason W

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« on: October 30, 2009, 04:42:24 PM »
Thanks to Arslan S. for:

Code: [Select]
Title:          lyx.tcz
Description:    LyX is a document processor.(TESTING)
Author:         LyX Team, see http://www.lyx.org/Credits
Original-site:  http://www.lyx.org
Copying-policy: GPL2
Size: 4.4M
Extension_by:   Arslan S.
Comments:       LyX combines the power and flexibility of TeX/LaTeX with the ease of
use of a graphical interface. LyX needs a full TeX distribution to generate
DVI,PDF,PS outputs. There are two options for a full TeX.

Download texlive2008.iso.lzma(1.2G) from http://www.tug.org/texlive/acquire.html
You need xz.tczl to decompress it.

ISO/DVD Option:
1) Mount texlive2008.iso
2) Run tl-portable (in base directory of iso)(you need perl5 extension)
3) Run lyx
4) Tools->Reconfigure then restart LyX to configure tex live installation properly.
   (This step may not be required if you are running LyX for the first time.)

Persistent Installation:
1) Mount texlive2008.iso
2) Run install-tl(You need wget.tcz here just for a version checking)
3) You will end up with a menu. Default option is a full installation.
   So just set the TEXDIR to a persistent location and install.
4) Add bin dir to your PATH env variable.
5) Run lyx, Tools->Reconfigure, restart lyx 

LyX needs more than Tex Live for full functionality.
Here are some suggested extensions:
Image converter --> ImageMagick, GraphicsMagick
Spell checker --> ispell, aspell
DVI viewer --> xdvi (available with TeX Live iso/DVD)
PDF viewer --> xpdf, epdfview or gsview
PS viewer --> gsview

Note: Some conversions depend on gs.tcz and cups.tczl

For more information see:

Note: Installing these programs is not enough usually. You have to specify
appropriate commands to invoke them in Tools->Preferences inside LyX.

For example you installed GraphicsMagick as image converter
Go to Tools->Preferences->File Handling->Converters
add from PNG format to EPS format with command "gm convert $$i $$o"
For file viewers, Tools->Preferences->File Handling->File formats
Choose a file format and enter the name of binary to textbox "Viewer"
Built without native language support(Gui is english only).
(Anyways nls does not work for some reason)

This extension is PPI compatible.
Change-log:     ---
Current:        2009/10/30 First Version

Offline Jason W

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Re: lyx
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2009, 09:08:11 PM »
Thanks to Arslan S. for an update:

Code: [Select]
Title:          lyx.tcz
Description:    LyX is a document processor.(TESTING)
Version:        1.6.5
Author:         LyX Team, see http://www.lyx.org/Credits
Original-site:  http://www.lyx.org
Copying-policy: GPLv2
Size: 10M
Extension_by:   Arslan S.
Comments:       LyX combines the power and flexibility of TeX/LaTeX with the ease of
use of a graphical interface. LyX needs a full TeX distribution to generate
DVI,PDF,PS outputs. A full Tex Live installation takes about 2G disk space.
So instead of an installation use iso/DVD option.

To summarize things to do:
1) Mount texlive2008.iso (download 1.2G compressed image and decompress)
2) Run tl-portable (in base directory of iso)(you need perl5 extension)
3) Run lyx
4) Tools->Reconfigure then restart LyX to configure tex live installation properly.
   (This step may not be required if you are running LyX for the first time.)

Also you can install texlive on a persistent location such as i do
I have installed texlive on /home/tc/.local/TexLive2008 and added its bin path to ~/.profile

LyX needs more than Tex Live for full functionality.
Here are some suggested extensions:
Image converter --> ImageMagick, GraphicsMagick
Spell checker --> ispell, aspell
DVI viewer --> xdvi (available with TeX Live)
PDF viewer --> xpdf, epdfview or gsview
PS viewer --> gsview

Note: Some conversions depend on gs.tcz and cups.tczl

For more information see:

Note: Installing these programs is not enough usually. You have to specify
appropriate commands to invoke them in Tools->Preferences inside LyX.

For example you installed GraphicsMagick as image converter
Go to Tools->Preferences->File Handling->Converters
add from PNG format to EPS format with command "gm convert $$i $$o"
For file viewers, Tools->Preferences->File Handling->File formats
Choose a file format and enter the name of binary to textbox "Viewer"
Built without native language support(Gui is english only).
(Anyways nls does not work for some reason)

This extension is PPI compatible.

Change-log:     2009/10/29 First Version
-Added desktop and wbar menu entries
-International doc examples included
Current:        2009/12/13 Updated to 1.6.5