Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks
Maximize Screen Real Estate with borderless windows.
Is it possible to move the task-bar to the bottom of the screen (which is where I am used to seeing it) and get rid of that MAC-like dashboard altogether.
I started with a 10” Toshibe with a mouse-point, so quickly learnt to use key-strokes instead, therefore, I don t need button-bars, scroll-bars and in some apps, menu-bars, all maximising screen real estate.
Sure. Remove the two lines containing wbar.sh from your .jwmrc, and then set the y component of the tray to "-1" in .jwmrc-tray.
On my netbooks, I now use flwm.
I compiled to use the shared fltk libs already in TC so it is way smaller than jwm.
No wasted screen space. The menu, pager, and task indicator are always available as a popup, either by right click desktop, or it is is covered by open window(s), then right click on any window title bar.
It really helps on the smaller screens of netbooks and being both physically smaller and runtime smaller is also a plus.
Hmmm, maybe I should make jwm an extension and use flwm? ::)
--- Quote from: roberts on April 05, 2009, 03:52:10 PM ---Hmmm, maybe I should make jwm an extension and use flwm? ::)
--- End quote ---
if you're a sadist. actually i think you're making a joke, but at that point you don't need a gui to make a first impression or help new users, just go to microcore and make everything an extension (including aterm and rxvt.)
flwm is a cool window manager if you're feeling adventurous, but i'd rather talk someone through using the command line than through the flwm interface.
now i love a good text-user-interface, especially if it supports the mouse. otherwise you've got the text-only appbrowser with 100 selections and scrolling through them isn't that bad. you can either type out the whole name, use search or just keep scrolling until you get there.
and after all that's only until you've got networking up, installed a gui, and downloaded the graphical appbrowser. from there it's pretty straightforward, no matter what level of hardcore linuxy geekiness you like, just short of lfs i mean.
--- Quote from: tobiaus on April 05, 2009, 06:04:14 PM ---just go to microcore and make everything an extension
--- End quote ---
i thought that was the ethos of tinycorelinux. and i agree with this. let people pick and choose what they (don't) want.
i agree with roberts on flwm too. smaller and more efficient on all counts - screenspace, memory, footprint, etc.
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