Tiny Core Extensions > TCE News

/usr/local/tce.* ownership and perms

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Jason W:
All existing extensions that have a tce.installed directory have had their permissions set to root:staff/775 for those that did not have that perm already.  I checked for tce.installed, but those that were fixed had their tce.menu and tce.icons directory set though they are not as critical.


--- Quote from: Jason W on October 17, 2009, 04:08:51 PM ---All existing extensions that have a tce.installed directory have had their permissions set to root:staff/775 for those that did not have that perm already.  I checked for tce.installed, but those that were fixed had their tce.menu and tce.icons directory set though they are not as critical.

--- End quote ---

Just noticed the permission change for /tce.installed.; used to need tc:staff, I think.  

Jason W:
Yeah, tc:staff was widely used and in and of itself would not cause a problem though root:staff is what has been settled on.  Group staff and 775 perms are the critical details.

Looks like the issue of extensions changing tce.installed to root:root has been resolved ??

Jason W:
Yes, with the above permissions set on all existing extensions' tce.installed directory there should be no more permissions issue with any version of TC 2.x.  If extensions in anyone's existing tce directory are causing issue, redownload and all should be well.  There should be no extensions now that will cause a root:root tce.installed, but of course if there are any they can be mentioned here.  But I think I got them all, 102 were fixed.


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