Tiny Core Extensions > TCE News
Guidelines for extension submission
I would respectfully request that those who post to TCE News do like Jason W and include the text of the .info. It is helpful for reference (and will also increase search hits).
cross ref http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=417.0
Thanks All
Jason W:
One thing that would be helpful is if we indicate in the info file whether or not an extension is PPI compatible, meaning it is installed beneath /usr/local so all files are available upon reboot using tclocal mounting without having to reload the extension. I am in the process of updating my relevent info files indicating this with something like this in the Comments section: "This extension is PPI compatible."
Though most extensions meet PPI criteria, there are some that are not and knowing which is which will facilitate using PPI.
Jason W:
All new extensions that are submitted are supposed to get the "TESTING" label, and I normally put that in before uploading the extension. But I tend to be forgetful at times and it would help me out a lot if "TESTING" was already added at the end of the description line in the info file before the extension is submitted. It doesn't sound like much but it would make a big difference for me not to have to remember that extra step.
Jason W:
We now have file lists for each extension in the repo. They are named extension.tce.list or extension.tcz.list. It was decided that extensions that make use of file lists are best supported by hosting the lists on the server rather than have the base system create them. That way no one pays a performance penalty. And file contents of an extension is useful to know anyway. For anyone who does not know, the lists can be created quite simply. For tce's:
tar -ztf extension.tce > extension.tce.list
For .tcz:
mkdir pkg
mount -o loop extension.tcz pkg
cd pkg
find `ls` -not -type d -not -name user.tar.gz > /tmp/extension.tcz.list
## if there is a user.tar.gz;
tar -ztf user.tar.gz >> /tmp/extension.tcz.list
There are other ways to list a tcz's files, but the above is the simplest. On the server, the files in the user.tar.gz are listed seperately in the same file. See compiletc.tcz.list for reference.
It would be helpful to include the file list with each submitted extension. As always, don't hesitate to ask if there are any questions. I will this evening post the script I use to make tcz file lists so they will be the same format if folks want to use it to save time.
Jason W:
Hi folks,
I ask that you bcrypt all files submitted to ensure their integrity. For those new to bcrypt, it is simple:
bcrypt tarball.tar.gz
It will ask you for a password, use the password "tinycore".
Here is a concise rundown of the recent additions to the guidelines not mentioned in the wiki:
1. Include "TESTING" in the description of the info file. (This is the one I otherwise tend to forget.)
2. Indicate in the info file if the extension is PPI compatible.
3. Send extensions and files in a bcrypted tarball.
4. List files are optional, but they are helpful to make and examine to make sure the extension contains the right files and does not have base directories included. I create a file list as part of the QA process, so no need to send one in.
5. If the extension is GPL or similar that requires source, build instructions and patches are required to satisfy the license. Or a tarball of the configured source would also suffice. If build instructions and patches are sent in, I can fetch the source itself as long as I have the version number.
Thanks everyone for their contributions, and as always don't hesitate with any questions.
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