Thanks. So is this correct then:
step 1: get / install minefield from appbrowser, TCZ
step 2: run minefield, close
step 3: get / install oss from appbrowser, TCZ, sound on from menu
step 4: mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins && cp *fl* (2 files, one .so one .xpt) to ~/.mozilla/plugins (again)
step 5: run minefield, there is no sound (very zen) so restart minefield, try again. no. close.
step 6: using appbrowser, install getflash.tce (there is no tcz) but do not run it (it would download a 100mb file, you only need about 6)
step 7: open minefield, now you have sound.
step 8. copy /tmp/tcloop/minefield/usr/local/firefox/firefox-bin to /usr/local/firefox