Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing


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Another strange thing. It happened many times that installing application with appbrowser its content is not stored in the RAM, but appbrowser says it was successful. Downloaded extension is stored in /tce and after rebooting they are working as expected.


--- Quote from: jls_legalize on September 30, 2009, 07:09:19 AM ---
--- Quote from: roberts on September 29, 2009, 10:07:45 PM ---.....Ctrl Alt =         grows the window (unshifted + key)......

--- End quote ---
doesn't work on my italian keyboard, maybe because in order to type "=" I have to press shift 0

legalize cannabis, coke, ero

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Do the other hotkeys work?

Note: If using the full Xorg server and hotkeys do not work, you may need to add a sleep command just after the waitfoX


--- Quote from: bmarkus on September 30, 2009, 07:27:41 AM ---File/Install File/Mount or File/Download in appbrowser gives an error pop up window with no any description of the error.

System is booted with base nolocal norestore waitusb=5 option. In /etc/sysconfig there are no tce location description file. In previous versions in such case it was tce.mount pointing to /tmp/tce

Just wanted to check new extension dependency on a clean system but can't load modules from the repository due to lack of /etc/sysconfig.tce.mount and tce dir.

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Yes, a bug indeed, but an easy fix. The work around for now
echo "/tmp/tce" > /opt/.tce_dir
mkdir /tmp/tce


--- Quote from: bmarkus on September 30, 2009, 03:51:52 AM ---Default backup location offered by cpanel is sdb1/tce booting and using a single FAT partition. I think it is not a proper location. To have a good default is great and much better than leave it blank. I would prefere the root of the boot partition if a single partition is used or the root of the other Linux partition used for /tce if exists.

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If I can add my two cents, I agree with Bela. Folder /tce is to store static content of extensions only, while mybackup file is dynamic content and should live separate not mixed with static content.
E.g. with usb install in Zip emulation, the actual OS is in small first partition sdb1, while /tce folder is created in the second and larger partition sdb2. The backup file (mybackup) should be side-by side with /tce folder, therefore in the root directory. It is not being mixed with the OS files, since the OS is self-contained on the first partition (sdb1) and nothing else is stored there...


--- Quote from: bmarkus on September 30, 2009, 08:43:33 AM ---Another strange thing. It happened many times that installing application with appbrowser its content is not stored in the RAM, but appbrowser says it was successful. Downloaded extension is stored in /tce and after rebooting they are working as expected.

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Please supply specific example(s) so that I may try to duplicate.


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