Tiny Core Base > TCB Bugs

Not displaying the right colors in browser with nm2360 chip

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Hello everyone!

I'm new here and it might not be a bug. I might just need another driver to my computers graphic chip. The thing is that I have 1024x768x16 in resolution and color but it seems to me that the system is trying to show 1024x768x24 instead of 16 as it should be. I have a neomagic 2360 chip in a dell latitude CS 500. I have tried to solve it but I just can't. So if anyone know how to solve this problem I'd be most grateful because the colors in opera looks horrible. Thanks beforehand!

Have fun with TCL,

Are you using Xvesa or full X?

What does ~/.xsession say - x16 or x24?

Hi Juanito!

I started without boot codes and then the .xsession was 1024x768.32. I changed with the xvesasetup and now after restarting the wm I have 1024x768x16 but the colors are just as horrible as they were. So maybe there is a bug there or it isn't using the right driver. I wonder what to do next. Perhaps the solution would be to put up a full X. What do you think?

Have fun,

MODIFIED after c:a 40 minutes.

Hey meo,

Did you ever need to use xfbdev on that machine instead of XVesa?
I have a laptop that simply won't use XVesa , regardless of settings, but uses Xfbdev ok.

There is an Xfbdev extension available..


Hi ke4nt!

I haven't needed it before. I has always worked with xvesa. But it might be worth a shot. Thanks for the tip!

Have fun,


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