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Tip - How to run Tinycore on Windows Vista qemu w/ kqemu accelerator

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This is an old subject by now but I thought I would share what i did to run virtual Tinycore 2.4rc1 on Windows Vista qemu with the kqemu accelerator.

Download qemu 0.10.5 http://homepage3.nifty.com/takeda-toshiya/qemu/qemu-20090908-windows.zip
Decompress contents to “C: \Program Files\qemu”
Download kqemu  http://www.nongnu.org/qemu/kqemu-1.4.0pre1.tar.gz
Decompress contents to “C: \Program Files\qemu\kqemu
Download and save to “C: \Program Files\qemu” http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributions/tinycorelinux/2.x/release_candidates/tinycore_2.4rc1.iso

Edit the kqemu.inf and make these changes:
•   [DefaultInstall.NT] --> [DefaultInstall]
•   [DefaultInstall.NT.Services] --> [DefaultInstall.Services]
•   [Uninstall.NT] --> [Uninstall]
•   [Uninstall.NT.Services] --> [Uninstall.Services]

Right click as administrator on “kqemu.inf”;  select “Install” to install kqemu.sys

Activate vista administrator cmd window.
Change dir to C:\Program Files\qemu\kqemu
Enter “net start kqemu” to start qemu accelerator.

Change dir to qemu.
Enter “qemu-img create vdisk.img 100M” to create virtual disk.

Enter “qemu -no-acpi -boot d -hda vdisk.img -cdrom tinycore_2.4rc1.iso” to boot tinycore first time.

In tc terminal enter:
“sudo mke2fs /dev/hda” to format virtual disk.

Create virtual tce directory.
“mount /dev/hda”
“cd /mnt/hda”
“sudo mkdir tce”
“sudo chown tc tce”
“sudo chgrp staff tce”
“cd /opt”
“sudo vi .tce_dir” change to /mnt/hda/tce
Load extensions via app browser.

Set backup to “hda” with control panel.
Logout (shutdown with backup).

Reboot qemu with tinycore - “qemu -no-acpi -boot d -hda vdisk.img -cdrom tinycore_2.4rc1.iso”
Now tinycore linux and tce extensions and backup should be present.

Hi bigpcman,
                I am trying to run Tiny core inside qemu with Kqemu on Windows XP, but it could not show up the X GUI in Tiny core, but it stops booting with the command prompt. If i try to start Xvesa it throws Segmentation Fault error.

Please help.


--- Quote from: saravanan on February 08, 2010, 09:13:54 AM ---                I am trying to run Tiny core inside qemu with Kqemu on Windows XP, but it could not show up the X GUI in Tiny core, but it stops booting with the command prompt. If i try to start Xvesa it throws Segmentation Fault error.

--- End quote ---

I have the same behavior using qemu 0.9.1 with kqemu on Ubuntu Hardy.  I either use Xvesa without kqemu or use Xfbdev with kqemu.

Hi vitex,
            Can you please guide me setup Xfbdev in place of Xvesa?
How do i bring up GUI with X and KQemu support.???
Please help

Try these steps:

* Boot the Tiny Core ISO
* At the boot prompt, enter "tinycore text vga=788"  (Adjust the parameter "vga=788" to get the size of display that you want; "788" gives 800x600.)
* Execute "tce-load -w -i Xfbdev" at the shell prompt.
* Execute "startx" at the shell prompt.
These steps work for me with qemu 0.9.1 and kqemu on Linux.  The long-term solution is to remaster Tiny Core (or Micro Core) with Xfbdev or use persistent storage so you can boot without having to perform these steps.


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