Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing
--- Quote from: bmarkus on September 21, 2009, 03:30:51 AM ---ALT/ENTER is now minimizing the window again :'(
--- End quote ---
Sometimes that happens when two people are working on the same program.
--- Quote from: roberts on September 21, 2009, 08:14:09 AM ---Nothing I can do about read errors. Either media is going bad, or bad download.
--- End quote ---
Possibly. But
* applications are installed and registered in /usr/tce.installed therefore TC found md5 OK
* checked all md5 manually, they are OK
* applications are working correctly
* TC 2.x prior 2.4 using the same media and same extensions do not display such message (first time I see only with 2.4RC1
Jason W:
I see this same error on a clean reinstall of tce directory with 2.4rc1 during boot with the wxgtk being copied to ram. I will see what I can find.
When downloading dependencies a new wget window opened cursor is moved to the top of this window. This is bit annoying when you are doing something else. Do not know is it 2.4 specific or prior version doing the same, just recognized playing with 2.4rc1
Jason W:
Those files are getting an I/O error when trying to read them with any app. They are apparently corrupt files and I will replace them.
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