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"Topside" titlebar version of flwm

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--- Quote ---BTW: what is the button with nothing in it, in the latest screenshot? If it is a minimize button, why not put an underscore in it?
--- End quote ---
It is the standard flwm button to iconize the window. The underscore is used for window-shading, i.e., show title bar only, which is currently not deployed.

curaga: The build script for flwm is (provided by roberts):

--- Code: ---#!/bin/sh
g++ -Os -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -fpic -c main.C
g++ -Os -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -fpic -c Frame.C
g++ -Os -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -fpic -c Rotated.C
g++ -Os -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -fpic -c Menu.C
g++ -Os -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -fpic -c FrameWindow.C
g++ -Os -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -fpic -c Desktop.C
g++ -Os -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -fpic -c Hotkeys.C
g++ -lfltk -lfltk_images -lfltk_forms -lpng -o flwm main.o Frame.o Rotated.o Menu.o FrameWindow.o Desktop.o Hotkeys.o
strip flwm

--- End code ---

So I have been using the options "-fno-rtti -fno-extensions" but not some of that other stuff.  I don't know if the options in this build script would work well for rebuilding the fltk libs themselves, but perhaps you can try it like that.

By the way, I've wanted to make a version of fltk with xft (font smoothing) ever since I started working with TC.  I know it takes a bit more memory and CPU, but I have enough of each to spare (even with a 5 year-old laptop), and it makes the text much more pleasant to read.  To me at least.  :)  I hope you are successful in building an enhanced fltk lib and share it with us!

Also, roberts answered your direct question.  I'm going to try to make the buttons a bit more visible when darker colors are used.  That empty iconize/hide button is a bit hard to see with a dark color as the titlebar background.
Mike L. 

I can try to get a backtrace for where flwm crashes with the xft-fltk lib. Would you send me a debug version of the latest flwm code?

Don't strip it, and replace -Os with -ggdb.

curaga: PM me an email address?

I have changed the window-painting code again to be based on the FLTK color "FL_BACKGROUND2_COLOR", which is normally used to color the background of text input fields and other GUI elements (usually lighter in color than the normal window background).  This keeps the color customization in flwm contained to just the window frame.  I also removed the need to specify a foreground color for the title text, by letting FLTK pick a text color based on the darkness or lightness of the background2 color.  So the .xsession could now be something like this:

--- Code: ---Xvesa -br -screen 1024x768x32 -shadow -mouse /dev/input/mice,5 -nolisten tcp -I 2>&1 > /dev/null &
"$DESKTOP" -fg white -bg darkblue 2>/tmp/wm_errors &
export WM_PID=$!
[ -n "$THEME" ] && cp /opt/jwmThemes/"$THEME" .jwmrc-theme
if [ -n "$BACKGROUND" ]; then
  setbackground image /opt/backgrounds/"$BACKGROUND"
  [ -x ./.setbackground ] && ./.setbackground
[ "$ICONS" == "wbar" ] && /usr/bin/
[ -x ./.mouse_config ] && ./.mouse_config &
[ "$DESKTOP" == "flwm" ] && flit &
--- End code ---

I have also improved the button highlighting to be a bit more visible when the darker titlebar colors are used.  EDIT: see attached screenshot.
Mike L.


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