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I know we use fltk libs. Is there a compiler? Trying to compile fltk-1.1.9 from source gets

--- Code: ---  3 checking for X... no
  4 configure: error: Configure could not find required X11 libraries
  5 ./configure: line 10538: exit: aborting.: numeric argument required
  6 ./configure: line 10538: exit: aborting.: numeric argument required

--- End code ---

I typically have Xorg dev extension loaded when compiling fltk items.


--- Quote from: roberts on September 06, 2009, 01:51:54 PM ---I typically have Xorg dev extension loaded when compiling fltk items.

--- End quote ---

Thanks, that's what it needed

edit: next problem.  It seems to want a "man" script to put together documentation; I haven't found a way to disable.  

edit:  Built a copy (I had to compile it in puppy); indeed, looks like just about everything is already installed...but I have an idea now of all the files involved in the original package ( and docs might be handy when learning). 


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