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Monitor resolution

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I tried Xi810 (or whatever its called) and it wouldn't work at all for my i855 graphics chipset. So far, after many attempts only the full X has worked properly

Perhaps you can use the 915resolution utility to work around the Intel video bios issues. I have submitted this tool as a tce, so it should be available in the extension repository very soon.

For instance I started installing tinycore on my Eee PC 701 netbook and was stuck at 640x480 with the default XVesa server. Xorg worked well, but I prefer to use XVesa in the general case because it's lighter! Using 915resolution I'm able to use 840x480 even without loading up the full blown xorg  ;D

Jason W:
I have been plagued by the intel onboard video issues, and look forward to trying this tool.  Don't get me wrong, I am happy we have full Xorg, but I am also  a fan of XVesa/Xfbdev and like to be able to make do with them when I can.


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