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[SOLVED] How to make wbar sticky?


The minefield window occupies the whole space below the top panel. If I want to open Leafpad or emelfm on the same workspace I have to minimize the browser window?

There must be some way to make the wbar sticky. What is that?


Do you mean that you want it always showing?  afaik you can add it to a panel in jwm... if you are using jwm

FYI, you could always just use the "minimize/restore all" button instead though.


--- Quote from: ^thehatsrule^ on December 20, 2008, 04:11:06 AM ---Do you mean that you want it always showing?  afaik you can add it to a panel in jwm... if you are using jwm

FYI, you could always just use the "minimize/restore all" button instead though.

--- End quote ---
Yes that is what I mean.
I am using what is provided by TC ie. JWM with top panel and wbar at the bottom.

There must be some configuration setting to make it sticky.


Wbar can't do it, it's a window manager setting. The people at Puppy forums thought about this too, I believe they decided creating a 1x1 pixel tray to the right part would limit window maximizing correctly - leave space for wbar. Add something like this to .jwmrc-tray (outside other Tray tags):

<Tray x="500" y="-20" border="0"></Tray>

You might need to adjust the y to make it look better.


--- Quote from: curaga on December 20, 2008, 05:35:49 AM ---Wbar can't do it, it's a window manager setting. The people at Puppy forums thought about this too, I believe they decided creating a 1x1 pixel tray to the right part would limit window maximizing correctly - leave space for wbar. Add something like this to .jwmrc-tray (outside other Tray tags):

<Tray x="500" y="-20" border="0"></Tray>
You might need to adjust the y to make it look better.

--- End quote ---
Done. It works. thanks.



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