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Is it possible to compile only intel driver on Xorg?

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The necessity of loading agpgart, intel-agp and drm drivers manually indicate that there is a bug in the intel driver.

Is it possible to compile only intel driver on Xorg?


Yes, you can compile a newer version of just one driver and then replace the old one with it. Load compiletc, Xorg and Xorg-dev (not -light)

Then see ftp://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributions/tinycorelinux/tce/src/Xorg-7.4/TC-script
particularly the driver config part - you'll need to use the same config arguments that are passed to driver's ./configure in the script.

Ok. This is what I understand.

$ export XORG_CONFIG="--prefix=/usr/local --sysconfdir=/etc \
    --mandir=/usr/local/share/man --localstatedir=/var"

$ export DRIVER_CONFIG="--with-xorg-module-dir=/usr/local/lib/X11/modules"

# Copy present Xorg.tcel to build directory and remove intel driver.
$ mkdir /tmp/dest
$ cp /path-to/Xorg-7.4.tcel /tmp/dest/Xorg-7.4.tar.gz
$ cd /tmp/dest
$ sudo tar xzf Xorg-7.4.tar.gz
$ rm Xorg-7.4.tar.gz
$ cd /usr/local/lib/X11/modules
$ sudo rm intel_drv.so
$ cd ..

# Copy downloaded driver source to /tmp and compile.
$ cp /path-to/xf86-video-intel- /tmp
$ cd /tmp
$ sudo tar xjf xf86-video-intel-
$ rm xf86-video-intel-
$ cd xf86--video-intel-
$ make -j5
$ sudo make DESTDIR=/tmp/dest install

# Repack the new Xorg.tcel, change owner and move to safe place.
$ cd /tmp
$ sudo tar czf dest/ Xorg-7.4.tcel
$ sudo chown tc:staff Xorg-7.4.tcel
$ cp Xorg-7.4.tcel /home/tc

That's correct up to repacking, because extensions start from / not /dest. Also before repacking I'd remove the man page (/tmp/dest/usr/local/share/man directory)

Here's repacking fixed up:

# Repack the new Xorg.tcel, change owner and move to safe place.
$ cd /tmp/dest
$ find etc usr var -not -type d > ../list
$ sudo tar czf ../Xorg-7.4.tcel -T ../list
$ sudo chown tc:staff ../Xorg-7.4.tcel
$ cp ../Xorg-7.4.tcel /home/tc

edit: -T ../list instead of -T list, typos happen :)

Oh yeah, you'd need to remove the intel driver from the extension, not your system:

$ cd /usr/local/lib/X11/modules
$ sudo rm intel_drv.so


$ cd usr/local/lib/X11/modules
$ sudo rm intel_drv.so


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