If you want to use the newer openssl, enter the command:
# export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/openssl-0.9.8k/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/pkgconfig
Here is a makefile that will use the pkgconfig data for either openssl installed, of course only install one. Make sure the other deps are satisfied also,( fuse, curl/devs, ):
g++ -ggdb -Wall $(shell pkg-config openssl --cflags --libs) $(shell pkg-config fuse --cflags --libs) \
$(shell pkg-config libcurl --cflags --libs) $(shell xml2-config --cflags --libs) s3fs.cpp -o s3fs
@echo ok!
install: all
cp -f s3fs /usr/local/bin
dist: all
tar -cvzf s3fs.tar.gz -C .. s3fs/COPYING s3fs/Makefile s3fs/s3fs.cpp
rm -f s3fs s3fs.o