Tinycore is here 12/1/2008! Welcome visitors.
You're using a suspiciously old browserYou're probably reading this page because you've attempted to access some part of my blog (Wandering Thoughts) or CSpace, the wiki thing it's part of. Unfortunately you're using a browser version that my anti-crawler precautions consider suspicious, most often because it's too old (most often this applies to versions of Chrome). Unfortunately, as of early 2025 there's a plague of high volume crawlers (apparently in part to gather data for LLM training) that use a variety of old browser user agents, especially Chrome user agents. To reduce the load on Wandering Thoughts I'm experimenting with (attempting to) block all of them, and you've run into this.If this is in error and you're using a current version of your browser of choice, you can contact me at my current place at the university (you should be able to work out the email address from that). If possible, please let me know what browser you're using and so on, ideally with its exactl User-Agent string.