I want to add libcomposite support so that I may loop-back USB audio input from a phone/arbitrary device to a HiFiBerry Amplifier. I've gotten to making a data extension for the required kernel modules, but I'm pretty sure the modules I copied are from the wrong source. Looking at the files at
http://tinycorelinux.net/15.x/armhf/releases/RPi/src/kernel/ prefixed with 'module', none are listed for my kernel version, 6.6.47-piCore-v8. Is there something I'm missing? Why is there an entry for every version except v8?
EDIT #1:
It seems that the modules for 64-bit kernels are located at
http://www.tinycorelinux.net/15.x/aarch64/releases/RPi/src/kernel/. I shall try with that source now.
EDIT #2:
It works! Get your kernel modules from the aforementioned link with 'aarch64' in its path.