Tiny Core Base > Alpha Releases

Tiny Core 16.0 Alpha 1 Testing

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Hi Knoppix1337

--- Quote from: Knoppix1337 on February 05, 2025, 05:26:43 PM --- ... It never completes the boot sequence. It hangs somewhere between freeing kernel memory and network startup.

By hanging, I mean no response from caps/numlock, no ctrl-alt-delete, screen frozen.
--- End quote ---
Based on that, it sounds like you already removed the  quiet  boot
code from your bootloader so you could see printk messages.

You could try adding the boot code:

--- Code: ---loglevel=7
--- End code ---
That enables more messages.

If you want to slow down the rate messages are printed:

--- Code: ---boot_delay=200
--- End code ---
That's delay between each message in milliseconds.
5 messages per second in this example.

How much RAM is installed?

Thanks, I've tried loglevel=7, I get more messages, but nothing to indicate what it's hanging on.

boot_delay=200 didn't seem to slow anything down, I even tried 2000.

This is a VIA C7 x86 32bit based machine with 2GB RAM.


--- Quote from: Knoppix1337 on February 05, 2025, 05:26:43 PM ---System hangs at random times during boot on Wyse C Class (Cx0) and Wyse V Class (Vx0) thin clients.

--- End quote ---

What cpu do they use?


--- Quote from: polikuo on February 06, 2025, 12:35:50 AM ---It would be a good timing to move on to FLTK-1.4 (currently, the latest is 1.4.1)
How are you going to compile it (with xft, with wayland ... etc)
BTW, they are switching to CMAKE instead of the usual autotools, when will cmake be available ?

--- End quote ---

I think we should start a separate thread for this since there’s several things to discuss and x86 may be treated differently to x86_64.

VIA Technologies C7 single core x86 32bit microprocessor.


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