Tiny Core Base > Raspberry Pi
Wifi 2.4 GHz channels and regdb in picore 15.x
Are these settings in picore 15 normal? Trying to find out why rtl8192cu is giving me so many problems and noticed this:
--- Code: ---tc@:~$ iw reg get
tc@:~$ global
country US: DFS-FCC
(2400 - 2483 @ 40), (N/A, 30), (N/A)
(5150 - 5250 @ 80), (N/A, 23), (N/A), AUTO-BW
(5250 - 5350 @ 80), (N/A, 23), (0 ms), DFS, AUTO-BW
(5470 - 5730 @ 160), (N/A, 23), (0 ms), DFS
(5730 - 5850 @ 80), (N/A, 30), (N/A)
(57240 - 71000 @ 2160), (N/A, 40), (N/A)
country 99: DFS-UNSET
(2402 - 2472 @ 40), (N/A, 20), (N/A)
(2457 - 2482 @ 40), (N/A, 20), (N/A), PASSIVE-SCAN
(5140 - 5360 @ 80), (N/A, 30), (N/A)
(5460 - 5860 @ 80), (N/A, 30), (N/A)
iwlist channel
lo no frequency information.
eth0 no frequency information.
wlan0 13 channels in total; available frequencies :
Channel 01 : 2.412 GHz
Channel 02 : 2.417 GHz
Channel 03 : 2.422 GHz
Channel 04 : 2.427 GHz
Channel 05 : 2.432 GHz
Channel 06 : 2.437 GHz
Channel 07 : 2.442 GHz
Channel 08 : 2.447 GHz
Channel 09 : 2.452 GHz
Channel 10 : 2.457 GHz
Channel 11 : 2.462 GHz
Channel 12 : 2.467 GHz
Channel 13 : 2.472 GHz
--- End code ---
In comparison, legacy 8192cu ( without the rtl prefix. rtl8192cu and 8192cu are different) driver in picore 12.x shows proper channel and regdb, and works perfectly everywhere:
--- Code: ---tc@:~$ iw reg get
country US: DFS-FCC
(2400 - 2483 @ 40), (N/A, 30), (N/A)
(5150 - 5250 @ 80), (N/A, 23), (N/A), AUTO-BW
(5250 - 5350 @ 80), (N/A, 23), (0 ms), DFS, AUTO-BW
(5470 - 5730 @ 160), (N/A, 23), (0 ms), DFS
(5730 - 5850 @ 80), (N/A, 30), (N/A)
(57240 - 71000 @ 2160), (N/A, 40), (N/A)
tc@pi:~$ iwlist channel
wlan0 11 channels in total; available frequencies :
Channel 01 : 2.412 GHz
Channel 02 : 2.417 GHz
Channel 03 : 2.422 GHz
Channel 04 : 2.427 GHz
Channel 05 : 2.432 GHz
Channel 06 : 2.437 GHz
Channel 07 : 2.442 GHz
Channel 08 : 2.447 GHz
Channel 09 : 2.452 GHz
Channel 10 : 2.457 GHz
Channel 11 : 2.462 GHz
--- End code ---
Drivers are required to be regulatory compliant. Are you setting country code in your wpa_supplicant?
Channels 12 and 13 are in the US are typically not regulatory compliant. (Very special circumstances allow it, but I've never seen them enabled in the US reg dom)
No , I am using wifi.sh script, but these settings are loaded before running the script.The wpa_supplicant.conf only contains the WPA password, after running the script.
I was wondering if the poor performance of rtl8192cu is caused by the restricted TX power for all channels mentioned for this additional phy0 entry. My rhome outer does not advertise channels 12/13 anyways.
The AP selects channel 2 in auto mode. Using the same channel 2 , local download 2x faster with the legacy 8192cu
The wifi script is very generic it doesn’t support country code, which is becoming more and more restrictive. Best to manually configure it, so you know exactly what’s going on.
Public Wifi hotspots do not use WPA / wpa_supplicant at all, so I will try this next time near a public wifi:
--- Code: ---sudo iw reg set US
--- End code ---
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