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How to make Leenooks great again
--- Quote from: neonix on November 30, 2024, 04:16:21 AM --- Are there any picore developers reading this thread?
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you can always spot them due to the distinctive pork pie hat! appears you have developed some ideas about picore/linux
--- Quote from: neonix on January 06, 2025, 04:02:37 AM ---Compression should be in real-time but in background (low cpu priority.
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call sagan (cosmos) just informed me
"if the sun sets in the west and all ways rises again the next morning in the east
and so its possible to figure things out
*we* can do science
and with it we can improve our lives"
that sentiment (hopefully) adds encouragement to test
picore/linux ideas
fwiw along the lines of
--- Quote ---You can think of scientific testing as occurring in two logical steps: (1) if the idea is correct, what would we expect to see, and (2) does that expectation match what we actually observe?
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nanu nanu
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