Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks
How to find which extension provides a file
Hi GNUser
provides.tcz is now available in the TC15 repos for all architectures.
--- Code: ---Title: provides.tcz
Description: Enhanced version of Tinycore provides.sh.
Version: 0.3
Author: Robert Shingledecker
Original-site: https://github.com/tinycorelinux/Core-scripts/blob/master/usr/bin/provides.sh
Copying-policy: GPLv2
Size: 4.0K
Extension_by: Rich
Tags: find filename extension
Comments: Run provides.sh for this help screen:
Version 0.3 Nov 25, 2024
Find extension(s) that provide a filename.
Filenames in list being searched include full paths, for example:
provides.sh [ -nz ] FileName
-nz Skip updating (zsync) the provides.db file. This speeds up
the search, but might miss items if provides.db is outdated.
provides.sh cal Finds cal anywhere in FileName
provides.sh bin/cal Finds bin/cal anywhere in FileName
provides.sh bin/cal$ Finds FileName that ends in bin/cal
provides.sh Black Gnome Finds FileName with embedded spaces
Searches are case sensitive.
The $ sign can only be used at the end of your search term.
Note: The default age of provides.db for checking if an update
is available is 15 minutes.
Environmental variable PROVIDESUPDATE can override this default.
Add export PROVIDESUPDATE=+N to .profile file.
log out, log in.
N must be an integer.
Set to -0 to block updates.
Set to +0 for frequent updates.
Set to +N where N is the update interval in minutes.
Ex. PROVIDESUPDATE=+1440 for 24 hours.
Change-log: 2024/11/25 Original release v0.30
Current: 2024/11/25 Original release v0.30
--- End code ---
This is also used by the Apps GUI program.
For those running a prior version of Tinycore, download one of
the TC15 versions, they're all the same:
I've tested under TC10 x86 and TC14 x86_64.
It failed under TC9:
The parameter substitution couldn't handle the / character.
Busybox ping does not support -A.
I think polikuo did some testing on TC15 aarch64 (piCore).
Hi Rich. That's great, but your version of provides.sh deserves to be in base system. I hope that's the plan for TCL16.
--- Quote from: GNUser on December 02, 2024, 09:14:01 PM ---I hope that's the plan for TCL16.
--- End quote ---
Hi, GNUser.
A bit off topic, but...
Speaking of TCL16, I wish that /usr merge could be implemented as well.
Hi GNUser
I'm hoping it gets incorporated into the base system too.
The extension just seemed like an easy way for users to
upgrade their provides.sh should they wish to.
Hi Rich. provides.sh is on github. May I submit a pull request on your behalf? If it gets accepted, it will make it into TCL16.
Hi polikuo. Yes, I'd love /usr merge in TCL16 (i.e., for /lib to simply be a symlink to /usr/lib. Same for /bin and /sbin). The change would affect only how the base system is organized. Extensions would continue to use /usr/local/lib, /usr/local/bin, and /usr/local/sbin and would be unaffected by the merge.
Curaga is okay with /usr merge but it seems final decision is Juanito's and he hasn't weighed in one way or the other:
/usr merge would certainly make beautiful TCL even more beautiful. I can live without it but would sure like to have this.
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