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config for labwc

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I guess it could include a terminal (foot or havoc), text editor (gedit?) file manager (emelfm3 or nautilus) and browser (Firefox) so things would work without Xwayland, but including everything available might be overkill?

I’m looking at aarch64 at the moment to see what waybar might bring (and still wondering about fltk-1.4 Wayland only).


--- Quote from: Juanito on November 01, 2024, 01:18:21 PM ---I guess it could include a terminal (foot or havoc), text editor (gedit?) file manager (emelfm3 or nautilus) and browser (Firefox) so things would work without Xwayland, but including everything available might be overkill?

--- End quote ---
Hi Juanito. My preference is to leave it up to the user to load preferred applications in those categories. User can then create a custom ~/.config/labwc/menu.xml so that their right-click menu shows the applications they like.

FWIW I personally like foot, gedit, xfe, and brave-browser. All of these work in a pure wayland environment except xfe, which I like enough that I don't mind the fact that it runs inside xwayland. labwc automatically opens X applications using xwayland in a way that's totally transparent to the user.

While on the topic of configuring labwc, for the desktop to feel polished it should probably have a background image and a taskbar.

For setting a background image there's swaybg.tcz. For taskbar, current options in the x86_64 repo are sfwbar.tcz and waybar.tcz.

In labwc, startup commands go in the ~/.config/labwc/autostart file. This file itself does not have to have executable permission (i.e., 644 permissions on this file are fine). File could look like this, for example:

--- Code: ---swaybg -i /path/to/some/nice/image.jpg &
sfwbar &
--- End code ---

So, after a little playing around in piCore64, here's an example labwc config:

Start labwc with:
--- Code: ---sudo -- seatd -g staff -n /run/seatd.sock & XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1001 dbus-run-session labwc
--- End code ---
..dbus is required for waybar

--- Code: ---wlr-randr --output HDMI-A-1 --mode 1920x1080@60Hz &
waybar >/dev/null 2>&1 &
swaybg -c '#87C6C9' -i /usr/local/share/pixmaps/logo.png -m center >/dev/null 2>&1 &
--- End code ---
..set the screen size and start waybar. Start swagbg with tinycore wallpaper (minus gradient)

--- Code: ---XKB_DEFAULT_LAYOUT=gb
--- End code ---
..setup the keyboard and disable xwayland

--- Code: ---<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<menu id="root-menu" label="">
  <item label="Browser"><action name="Execute" command="firefox" /></item>
  <item label="Terminal"><action name="Execute" command="havoc" /></item>
  <item label="Text Editor"><action name="Execute" command="gedit" /></item>
  <item label="File Manager"><action name="Execute" command="nautilus" /></item>
  <item label="Reconfigure"><action name="Reconfigure" /></item>
  <item label="Exit"><action name="Exit" /></item>

--- End code ---
..define some apps for the right-click menu - any native wayland or gtk3/gtk4 app should work.

--- Code: ---<labwc_config>
  <desktops number="4" />
    <keybind key="W-1"><action name="GoToDesktop" to="1" /></keybind>
    <keybind key="W-2"><action name="GoToDesktop" to="2" /></keybind>
    <keybind key="W-3"><action name="GoToDesktop" to="3" /></keybind>
    <keybind key="W-4"><action name="GoToDesktop" to="4" /></keybind>

--- End code ---
..define 4 workspaces

Looks nice! Yes, all labwc configuration/customization happens in those four files.

I think TCL and labwc go well together. Both do only what the user tells them to, without any surprises or complications.


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