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The Tiny Core Linux Retirement Home:

(1/3) > >>

This is an unofficial archive of Tiny Core Linux versions 1 to 10:

Thanks to Rich and CentralWare for providing access to their backups of the TC 1-3 repos that were deleted already. If anyone can upload backup of the tce/ directory for TC1, then please let me know.

@CNK: I just did a quick look at your OldTC - "Ya' did good!"

Once the dust settles and you're happy with the archive, create a separate account on your VPS with read/write access to the content and send a PM to @Rich, @Paul_123 and @Curaga with those credentials if you want the archive to become the official Retirement Home.  (The mistake was made once before where only one person had credentials for hosted content -- that turned into a true nightmare when that person was no longer available.)  @Rich and @Paul_123 I'd imagine would want to run their own comparisons of content between the live repository and the Retirement system to ensure things match up and then give @Curaga the green light at year's end when it comes time to retire 4.x and younger releases thereafter.  This would also give them the means to send in files, if any, which may be missing.

Add a paragraph to your README discussing HOW the retirement home can be used from within older TC releases:

Modify /opt/tcemirror to read

--- Code: ---
--- End code ---
and then back up your changes by

--- Code: -b
--- End code ---

Beyond that, I'm reasonably certain I speak for the crew and members of the Tiny Core Forum when I say Thank You for investing the effort!

NOTE: Since you've completed the upload, I removed 2x and 3x from Git - no sense having duplicates! :)


--- Quote from: CentralWare on October 25, 2024, 05:03:19 AM ---Once the dust settles and you're happy with the archive, create a separate account on your VPS with read/write access to the content and send a PM to @Rich, @Paul_123 and @Curaga with those credentials if you want the archive to become the official Retirement Home.

--- End quote ---

With official/unofficial my only issue is that I do intend to share the VPS with other projects of mine (there's already another website backup saved there in fact), so I don't want decisions about the web server and storage space to be dictated by the TC archive and forcing me to use a paid service to run my own projects separately. I decided I can spare space for TC 1 to 10, minus the excluded directories. In theory if everyone agrees that they're archived correctly now, there's unlikely to be much change before they're deleted so it's set-and-forget until TC11 is due to go (besides OS upgrades, but I picked Debian 13 so it'll be supported for a long time, and enabled automatic security updates). Then I'll see if I have space to add more versions to the archive at that point.

Rich already used an FTP account I made with permission to upload to a non-public-readable uploads directory. I'll send Paul_123 and Curaga those details so they can upload anything missing (that's not deliberately excluded). It requires me to copy their uploads to the public space, but otherwise making it all writable it'd be better to use SFTP for security which means a much more complex OpenSSH configuration, ideally a filesystem space quota, maybe automatic de-duplication. I'm not sure there's a point to all that work if we're sticking to my current TC 1 to 10 archive range.

By the way, on de-duplication:
Before: 135GB
After: 91GB
44GB of space saved (using jdupes)!

--- Quote from: CentralWare on October 25, 2024, 05:03:19 AM ---Add a paragraph to your README discussing HOW the retirement home can be used from within older TC releases:

Modify /opt/tcemirror to read

--- Code: ---
--- End code ---
and then back up your changes by

--- Code: -b
--- End code ---

--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: CentralWare on October 25, 2024, 05:03:19 AM ---Beyond that, I'm reasonably certain I speak for the crew and members of the Tiny Core Forum when I say Thank You for investing the effort!

--- End quote ---

Thanks! Maybe one day some more TC-related projects I've got in mind will be hosted there too...

--- Quote from: CentralWare on October 25, 2024, 05:03:19 AM ---NOTE: Since you've completed the upload, I removed 2x and 3x from Git - no sense having duplicates! :)

--- End quote ---

Well I don't know, Oracle might pull the plug on their free cloud accounts before Microsoft pull the plug on GitHub. Both will probably happen eventually. Then again, eventually I might get rich and be able to shout the TC team a whole datacentre. :)

@CNK: First many thanks for your effort!
then ... may I point you some "not OK" archive format your automaticaly used?
FYI: I personaly can manage, it is just a head-up for other to not hit the wall with their head :)

using as an example:
normaly all TCZ / TCZL should be "CramFS compressed", like gtk2.tczl
but some TCZ are (wrongly) ISO type, such as: poppler.tczl or xpdf-3.02pl2.tcz

my 7zip shows in Win11 this is OK:

--- Code: ---Path: \\wsl.localhost\Archlinux\chroot\tc1\tcz\gtk2.tczl
Type: CramFS
Physical Size: 3 026 944
Label: Compressed
Big-endian: -
Characteristics: Ver2 SortedDirs
Cluster Size: 4 096
Method: ZLIB
Headers Size: 2 332
Files: 79
Blocks: 1 680
--- End code ---

my 7zip shows in Win11 this is not OK:

--- Code: ---Size: 876 312
Packed Size: 876 312
Folders: 4
Files: 13
Path: \\wsl.localhost\Archlinux\chroot\tc1\tcz\poppler.tczl
Type: Iso
Physical Size: 1 253 376
Comment: System: LINUX
Volume: CDROM
VolumeSpaceSize: 1253376
VolumeSetSize: 1
VolumeSequenceNumber: 1
Created: 2008-10-23 12:35:39.00
Modified: 2008-10-23 12:35:39.00

--- End code ---

prove, I can MOUNT it:

--- Code: ---[root@HP17 tc1]# mount ./tcz/poppler.tczl ./mnt/
mount: /chroot/tc1/mnt: WARNING: source write-protected, mounted read-only.
[root@HP17 tc1]# ls -alR ./mnt/
total 8
dr-xr-xr-x 3 root root 2048 Oct 23  2008 .
drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 4096 Oct 25 21:00 ..
dr-xr-xr-x 3 root root 2048 Oct 23  2008 usr
--- End code ---

same for

--- Code: ---Path: \\wsl.localhost\Archlinux\chroot\tc1\tcz\xpdf-3.02pl2.tcz
Type: Iso
Physical Size: 4 429 824
--- End code ---


That's interesting to note, but the idea of an archive isn't to start improving the TC1 repo, it's supposed to be a copy of everything that was on the main repo mirrors originally. So if that's how those extensions were then, that's how they should be archived now, and I expect that's the case (I didn't tamper with them).


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